
Remember not all my products are listed For Sale on my website.  Check out my social media, especially Facebook for more things I stock.   

Most plants are named, so search via names, or just ask.   

I use Facebook as a record of what I grow and make, so most things are shown.  Some, like begonias are in photo albums.


April 2023

It is already April and feeling quite wintery at times.  Just hope that this winter isn’t a harsh winter to make up for the lack of summer and last year’s mild winter.

The Hoyas have had a stunning flowering season this year.  I have had a few that have flowered for the first time and others have flowered so many times that I have lost count.

I have recently added this Hoya Special to the website.

If you see something you like, but can’t see it for Sale anywhere, remember you can always just ask!

If you are local, did you manage a visit to the Plant Extravaganza?  

The “Plant Extravaganza” – Formally “The Hamilton Plant Lovers Event” was a success at the new site in The Barn, at Claudelands, Hamilton.   Annamarie and I started this event together, but I have left her to organise them since then.  Just happy that someone has gone with the idea and organised a great local plant market.  This is held twice a year.  The next one is in November.  I try to update the markets I have coming up on my website.  

If you have gotten this far, then thank you for reading my blurp.  If there is anything you need help with, please ask. 

Kat and her team

FB   https://www.facebook.com/KatsFlora/

IG    https://www.instagram.com/katsflora.nz/

Youtube   https://www.youtube.com/Kats%20Flora

Posted: Sun 11 Jun 2023

